Entries in sales (29)


Nokia Lumia sales drop from 8.8 million to 8.2 million Q4 2013

Nokia closes its last year as a full-fledged handset manufacturer on a sad note. Ubergizmo reports the Finnish company reported a $270 million loss for fourth quarter of 2013 and sales of both smartphone and feature phones have declined in the last quarter of the year. The sale of Lumia smartphones dipped by 600,000 units from third quarter of 2013 as Nokia sold 8.2 million units in Q4 of 2013. Nokia will not disclose how many Asha feature phones they have sold in the past quarter.

 Nokia agreed to sell its device unit to Microsoft with the deal expected to close by the end of this quarter.


The Apple Beat: Outlook for early 2014

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It's this time of year, right after the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES), that I most miss the Macworld Apple Keynotes.

I know, Apple hasn't participated in a Macworld expo since 2010 (and the show has since moved to late March and been rebranded as Macworld/iWorld). More than anything, I miss the anticipation of seeing new product or OS announcements this early in the year, it sort of sets the stage for what's to come, and also whips Apple's competitors into a frenzy  to figure out how they can counter or copy what's been announced.

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Over 2 million iPhone 5's sold in China on opening weekend

Apple announced it has sold over two million of its new iPhone 5 in China, just three days after its launch on December 14. iPhone 5 will be available in more than 100 countries by the end of December, making it the fastest iPhone rollout ever.

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3 Million iPads sold over the weekend, biggest weekend debut yet

Some pundits scoffed at the shorter than usual lines in front of the Apple Retail Stores claiming this as a sign that the demand for iPad mini was low. They forgot to  meintion that thte iPad mini sold out of preorders within days and even ran out of stock during the weekend in various stores in the US.

Apple today announced it has sold three million iPads in just three days since the launch of its new iPad mini and fourth generation iPad—double the previous first weekend milestone of 1.5 million Wi-Fi only models sold for the third generation iPad in March.

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