Entries in Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (1)


First Look: Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, 10" inch honeycomb tablet 


Lo and behold! Here is the first shot of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1" inch Android Honeycomb tablet and the next generation Samsung Galaxy S. Outed by Samsung Hub prior to the device's slated release at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona tomorrow. We have to say, the bigger Galaxy Tab running the Google Android Honeycomb OS looks quite handsome.

Featuring a dual-core Tegra 2 processor, an 8 megapixel rear camera and a 2 megapixel front-facing camera, 16GB or 32GB  of storage as well as Android 3.0 Android Honeycomb OS, this looks like a direct compatitor to Motorola's Xoom and LG's G-Slate tablets, not to mention the iPad.



Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10" tablet next to the original Galaxy Tab - Photo via Engadget

See Samsung's full press release after the break.

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