Entries in search (15)


Updated Google Now for iOS accepts voice queries, gets new functionality

You can now say "Ok Google," to your iOS device if you have the latest version of the Google Now intelligent personal assistant and search gateway app. The latest version ports over functionality that has been enjoyed in the Android version. iOS users can now get event tickets, flight updates, car rental reservations and public transit info through Google Now. Should you download it, absolutely. Check it out here


Snaplay aims to become the “Shazam for images”

You know how Shazam makes it easier for you to look for that elusive song? Snaplay, a reverse images search app, wants to make it easier for you to look for videos and music online using photos. Acting much like a QR code reader (sans the QR code), Snaplay lets you take a photo of an album cover or movie poster or the like and have the app bring back related media content.

On the video side, it integrates with YouTube; while for music, it integrates with Spotify or uses songs you’ve stored on your device.


Nokia's JobLens app helps Lumia owners find their next Job

Nokia today launched a very cool app called JobLens, exclusive for Nokia Lumia smartphones, and it is fundamentally changing the way people find, apply to and get their next job.


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Google Launches Knowledge Graph in Canada

 By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google users in Canada will be able to access Knowledge Graph, a new feature that enables you to search for things, people or places that Google knows about—landmarks, celebrities, cities, sports teams, buildings, geographical features, movies, celestial objects, works of art and more. This is the future of Search and helps users by pushing forward information that they might not have thought relevant.

 This is a critical first step towards building the next generation of search, which taps into the collective intelligence of the web and understands the world a bit more like people do. Below is a detailed overview on knowledge graph from Google.

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