Entries in search (15)


Apple launches OS X 10.10 Yosemite

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco, CA: The latest version of the Mac OS X desktop and notebook operating system was revealed today at WWDC 2014. Codemaned Yosemite, the newest os features a revamped look and feel as well as various new features including an improved Spotlight Search, Notification Center with a day-view as well as the introduction of iCloud Drive which is a better integration of Applr's cloud backup and sharing platform. Mail has also received an upgrade by using a new technology called Mail Drop for large files and attachments of up to 5GB in size. Yosemite also improves on Safari, Apple's native browser, by making it more streamlined and less obtrusive. Safari is also faster and better for rendering HD video from sources such as Netflix

The AirDrop feature is now cross platform between iOS and Macs. A new continuity feature allows users to start a project on a Mac and then seamlessly continue this on the OS X machines. Phone integration on Mac OS X is even more seamless, text messages and phone calls can be routed to the desktop even if the user's iPhone isn't tethered to the Macs.

Yosemite is available to developers starting today but it will be released to the public in the Fall and it will be a free upgrade for current Mavericks users. 


Pinterest introduces Guided Search feature to mobile devices

Pinterest has rolled out an expanded search engine of sorts for Android and iOS. Guided Search is designed to help you look for specific pins or give you an idea of what else you want to check out on the site. It shows you a list of Pinterest tiles popular with other users and additional keywords related to your initial search to narrow down your search more. For example, you type in “running” and then it shows you keywords like “songs” and “tips.”

This new feature not only appeals to users looking to widen the scope of their searches on the site but can help advertisers target their potential customers. Pinterest recently just started exploring the idea of paid advertising so this can be seen as a move to develop that further. And they would have a large database to dip into. Pinterest says they now host 750 million boards with 30 billion pins. According to the site, guided search will roll out on the web and everywhere else soon.

Source: Pinterest Blog


New Roku 3 update brings search to smartphone

For those Roku users who don’t have the company’s HDMI Streaming Stick, you now have a chance to do searches on your smartphone with the upcoming update for Roku 3 devices. The rollout is expected to wrap up by April 22. So if the update hasn’t come your way, just wait a bit. Those using other models will also be getting the update in the coming weeks. And for the time being, be a bit more patient and suffer through typing with the remote.

Source: Roku Blog


Bing and RoboCop reimagine the future of search

With the RoboCop remake coming out soon, Sony Pictures partnered with Microsoft to develop a concept of what search could look like in the future. The team in charge of Microsoft’s Bing search engine didn’t want to put out an unbelievable 3D holographic kind of concept. Instead, they wanted the concept to be based on innovations that are just about to crop up and are “very much grounded in today’s reality.”  They showed 3D displays with key data in front and voice recognition like Bing on Windows Phone and Xbox. You can find out more information about the collaboration here.