Entries in Star Wars: The Last Jedi (13)


OnePlus 5T gets ‘Star Wars’ Limited Edition version in India

Just in time for the theatrical release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi on December 15th, OnePlus announced a Limited Edition 5T Star Wars model coming exclusively to India. The phone, which was teased at the Bengaluru Comic Con, will be unveiled at a popup store in Mumbai on December 14th. Ticket sales kick off on Thursday. The phone itself comes in white and has a red alert slider button, Star Wars logo in red on the back, and a First Order stormtrooper wallpaper. 

Source: Engadget


Learn more about Laura Dern’s top secret character in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’

Laura Dern is one of the new characters we’re going to be introduced to in The Last Jedi. Not much was known about her except for her purple hair and that she goes by Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. A new cover feature from Entertainment Weekly sheds a bit of light on who Holdo is. She’s part of a cover feature opposite Resistance fighter Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac) and comes with the headline “Can Poe get along with his new boss?” The story delves a bit deeper into how Holdo is part of the Resistance instead of being part of the First Order, which was what early rumours suggested. But it looks like she isn’t getting along with some members of the Resistance.

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Here’s a new look at ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’

With December 15th fast approaching, we’re seeing more and more of what to expect from the latest Star Wars film. And there’s a lot happening in The Last Jedi. We see Rey training on Ahch-To with Luke Skywalker and him saying she’s only seen power like hers once (we assume he means Kylo Ren) and that it didn’t scare him enough then but it does now. We get a glimpse of General Organa and Kylo seemingly hesitating to blast his mother’s Resistance ship while talking about having to kill his past. Rey also looks like she’s talking to Kylo Ren asking about her “place in all this.” It’s a lot to take in but we’re excited. The movie also gets a new poster which you can see under the cut.

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Mark Hamill teases Luke Skywalker’s look and big change for ‘The Last Jedi’

It’s been so long since we’ve last seen Luke Skywalker. Sure we saw a bit of him at the end of The Force Awakens but that brief encounter doesn’t really tell us anything. A new cover for a magazine featuring Mark Hamill as the iconic Skywalker gives us a glimpse of a changed man. Luke in an all-black ensemble with red light shining on him has people talking about the lengths the Jedi Knight has changed.

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