Entries in Star Wars (139)


This is what it looks like to watch ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ in space

We shared news a couple of weeks back about how the astronauts on the International Space Station are going to get to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And it seems that time has come. NASA astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei just tweeted a photo of the space station crew sitting around a projector screen with drink bags and “bungee cord chairs” for movie night. There’s something endearing about the shot showing adults holding on to their drink bags and watching an iconic science fiction film. Word is out yet whether the real life astronauts enjoyed the movie.


Of course, there’s a Porg-related game on Facebook

With Star Wars: The Last Jedi mania in full swing, we aren’t surprised with the amount of merch and tie-ins the movie has. One of the new ones is a Facebook game called Porg Invasion. Porgs are the adorable yet divisive puffin-like creatures from the planet Ahch-To, where Luke Skywalker exiled himself. The Facebook mini-game, which you can play within Facebook Messenger on mobile or on the News Feed on desktop, has you playing inside the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca and BB-8 trying to stave off a porg onslaught on the iconic space craft. If you want to try it out, you can access it through Facebook Instant Games.

Source: The Verge


Now this might be the coolest place to watch ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’


You might watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi in IMAX or Atmos or whatever high-tech theatre you want to catch it in. But nothing beats this special screening of the movie. NASA has confirmed with io9 that The Last Jedi will be streaming on the International Space Station. The movie will be shown in English as all crew members can speak both English and Russian. Now, when this’ll happen, there isn’t a timetable yet but according to NASA’s Dan Hout, the ISS gets movies as digital files that they can watch on a laptop or a “standard projector” that’s aboard the space station.


‘Star Wars’ star Mark Hamill creates tragic backstory for Luke Skywalker

Lucasfilm Ltd

Actors need to create an identity and backstory for them to get their characters right. And for someone like Mark Hamill, who has played the iconic role of Star Wars’s Luke Skywalker for so many years, we aren’t surprised he has his own idea of how Luke ended up being the way he is before The Last Jedi. It has to be said that this idea Hamill shares with Entertainment Weekly isn’t considered canon or part of the Star Wars narrative. It’s just something the actor created to find the motivation of his character. And what do we learn? He thinks something devastating had to happen. “I wrote lots and lots of scenarios,” Hamill says. “I made notes that he fell in love with a woman who was a widow and had this young child.”

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