Entries in ISS (4)


This is what it looks like to watch ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ in space

We shared news a couple of weeks back about how the astronauts on the International Space Station are going to get to watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi. And it seems that time has come. NASA astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei just tweeted a photo of the space station crew sitting around a projector screen with drink bags and “bungee cord chairs” for movie night. There’s something endearing about the shot showing adults holding on to their drink bags and watching an iconic science fiction film. Word is out yet whether the real life astronauts enjoyed the movie.


Now this might be the coolest place to watch ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’


You might watch Star Wars: The Last Jedi in IMAX or Atmos or whatever high-tech theatre you want to catch it in. But nothing beats this special screening of the movie. NASA has confirmed with io9 that The Last Jedi will be streaming on the International Space Station. The movie will be shown in English as all crew members can speak both English and Russian. Now, when this’ll happen, there isn’t a timetable yet but according to NASA’s Dan Hout, the ISS gets movies as digital files that they can watch on a laptop or a “standard projector” that’s aboard the space station.


Microsoft HoloLens takes augmented reality to space

Astronauts are known to be surrounded by some of the best and most advanced innovations the tech world has to offer. It’s a geek’s paradise. Proving it’s also the best place to try out new tech, astronaut Scott Kelly tweets a photo of him donning a pair of Microsoft HoloLens on the International Space Station (ISS). It isn't surprising that the HoloLens shows up aboard the ISS as NASA tested the device last year with its Weightless Wonder C9 jet for an experiment called Project Sidekick. The project used HoloLens to help astronauts communicate with ground operators and get more use out of existing devices on the ISS. Now, it isn’t known how Kelly is using the HoloLens up there but it could help with things like complex repairs being done in orbit.

Source: Mashable


First Vine from outer space shows the Earth’s orbit

While Astronaut Mike Massinimo was the first person to tweet from space in 2009, there is a new social media first coming all the way from outer space. Astronaut Reid Wiseman has sent the first Vine video from space showing the Earth’s orbit in six seconds. Wiseman explained in the caption that the sun does not set on this 90-minute orbit because the International Space Station travels along the terminator line, which is the border between darkness and light on the face of the earth. It is still quite a sight though.

Source: Gizmodo