Twitter’s stock hits an all-time low

Things aren’t looking good for Twitter. The stock price of the company hit below US$20 per share for the first time in its history. The news comes three days after CEO Jack Dorsey announced the company was exploring a 10,000-character limit instead of the existing 140-character limit. This should allow you to send out tweets of over 1,000 words with spaces between words and punctuation. For comparison, US President John F Kennedy’s inaugural speech was 1,366 words and it’ll be 1.5 times longer than America’s Declaration of Independence. Traders seem to not like the idea, even if there is no word yet if this’ll happen.
It’s going to be a tough road ahead for Dorsey and his team. Recent figures from Statista show Twitter’s user numbers have hit a plateau late last year, even if they’re trying out new ways to get new users. On the same front, Facebook and Instagram users still seem to grow strongly.
Source: The Next Web