Entries in Teleport (1)


Teleport shows you your ideal city to live in

Getting tired of your current town or city? A new free web app called Teleport wants to take out the guesswork of where you should move next. It’ll give suggestions based on parameters of your choosing. It’ll have you pick things like living costs, startup scene, great university, etc. You just need to sign up first. From your selection, it’ll show you an initial list of cities to choose from. You can refine your pick further by controlling preferences like weather, population size, etc. It even shows you estimated budget you need or what you can save if you move to a particular city.

If you decide to move to one of these cities, Teleport can even create a checklist to make sure you have everything you need for the move. And if you need help, for a fee, the company can provide what they call a scout to help with things like finding a job or getting the necessary papers like visa.

Source: Mashable