Entries in True Zoom Camera (1)


Hasselblad rumoured to be developing MotoMod

Leaks of upcoming MotoMods have been spotted in the wild before. Now though there are more leaked information spotted on Chinese microblogging site Weibo about an upcoming MotoMod designed to boost the camera capabilities of the Moto Z and Moto Z Force. This module is being dubbed the “True Zoom Camera” and is supposedly made by Hasselblad. If true, it won’t be news that a reputed camera maker is working with a tech company. Huawei has gotten to work with Leica for its P9 smartphones.

This leaked image of the supposed Hasselblad-made MotoMod is said to have a 10x optical zoom, physical shutter, Xenon flash, automatic button, and a RAW format option. There is no word on megapixel count and size as well as the other information you might be seeking. For now, let’s just take this with a huge grain of salt and wait for Lenovo to confirm or deny the information.

Source: PetaPixel