Entries in Valve (39)


Apple not completely closing door to bringing Steam Link to its platform

Apple recently banned the new Steam Link app because of “business conflicts” and it has just recently explained what these reasons seem to be. And it doesn’t look like they’ve completely closed the door on bringing the app back on its platform. Apple is said to be working with Steam to fix the issues it has with the app and hopefully an updated version of the app shows up on the platform soon. Steam Link lets users stream PC games to mobile devices. Android already has the app up on its platform.

Apple fans were apparently not happy with the development that they reached out Apple’s marketing guy Phil Schiller about this. In an email sent to multiple users, Schiller explained that he wanted Valve’s games and services to be on its platform but “the review team found that Valve’s Steam iOS app, as currently submitted violates a number of guidelines around user-generated content, in-app purchases, content codes, etc. We’ve discussed these issues with Valve and will continue to work with them to help bring the Steam experience to iOS and AppleTV in a way that complies with the store’s guidelines.” As BGR points out, it sounds like one of the main concerns is that it allows Valve to sell user content without shelling out for the App Store tax, which is a big source of income for the company.


You can soon play Steam games on Android and iOS with Valve's Steam Link app

Video game distribution platform Steam is looking to give you access to your purchased games on your mobile devices with an app it’s releasing on the week of May 21. Valve Steam Link will give you access to your games on both Android and iOS—and it’s not limited to phones but includes tablets and Android/Apple TV, too. The app will be free for download.

There are a few things to take note of, though. You will only be able to play if your device is connected to a 5GHz Wi-Fi network or hard-wired through Ethernet to make sure it’s connected to your PC/Mac. In terms of controller support, Valve said it’ll support the Steam Controller and MFI controllers and “more across both platforms” but it hasn’t released specifics beyond these.

Source: Android Central


Valve will delay release of ‘Dota 2’ patches during major tournaments

Hoping to avoid wreaking havoc on professional players who compete in Dota 2 tournaments, Valve has just announced that its rapid-fire, two-week patch schedule will be delayed when it coincides with a major esports tournament. A recent update affected players who were part of the Epicenter XL tournament and gave them less than a day to adapt to significant gameplay changes.

This isn’t the case with other games used in esports as they keep separate tournament modes that are a step or two behind the regular game to give players enough time to practice with the game. It’s a tricky balance for developers as they try to make sure to appease both regular gamers get to enjoy new tweaks and additions and the pro gamers who need a bit more consistency.

Source: Engadget


Valve buys ‘Firewatch’ developer Campo Santo


Valve has just purchased game developer Campo Santo. The small 12-person team known for its game Firewatch will be relocating to the video game developer’s headquarters in Seattle. In a blog post announcing the sale, Campo Santo claims they “found a group of folks who, to their core, feel the same way about the work that they do” in Valve. The studio has confirmed that they will continue working on its next game In The Valley of Gods and that this game won’t be a PC-exclusive under Valve. Campo Santo also plans to continue supporting Firewatch and will still release its literary journal, The Quarterly Review.

Source: The Verge

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