Entries in Valve (39)


Steam hits big security snafu in midst of winter sale

This isn’t something any company wants to happen to them, especially during such a busy season. Valve’s Steam gaming platform is experiencing a big security lapse as some users were able to access other people’s accounts. Some players reported they got to see things like email addresses, credit card information, and previous purchases. It’s more disturbing that this happened in the midst of the platform’s winter sale, which means more players are logged on and possibly seeing information you don’t want other people to see.

The glitch doesn’t seem to affect all users and it seems the Steam store is up and running already. But Valve hasn’t addressed the issue just yet so we can’t say what caused the issue.

Source: Kotaku | Via: Engadget


Valve’s ‘DotA 2 Reborn’ gets 5.5GB patch

Looks like there’s more downloading in store for you if you have Valve’s DotA 2 Reborn. The game is finally available to the public in beta and it seems there’s a significant number of bugs to fix. You originally had to download 7GB for the game, now you have to download around 5.5GB of data for the patch. Some of the big issues this patch fixes include “Fixed illusions being able to manipulate and sell items;” “Fixed Huskar causing significant frame rate loss;” and “Fixed crash when dire or radiant ancients are destroyed.” Prepare to do some heavy duty downloading.

For those who aren’t familiar with DotA 2 Reborn, this is Valve’s attempt to bring new graphics to the game. It’s now powered by Valve’s Source 2 engine and it features things like a new menu system, user interface, and other aspects of the game.

Source: Ubergizmo


HTC’s Vive VR headsets are now with developers

And the development phase for HTC’s virtual reality headset goes into full swing. The Valve and HTC-made Vive has finally started making its way to developers. The developer kits are being shipped to the likes of movie studios and game developers with key components like two Lighthouse base stations, which is the mounted hardware the Vive needs to locate and track users in a room; two wireless Steam VR handheld controllers; cables; and “everything else needed to get started.”

Although it is a bit worrying when it comes to the timeframe these developer kits started to arrive to the developers. HTC Vive was touted with a late 2015 release so with half of the year done, there isn’t that much time left to ship the apps. All we can do now is wait and see.

Source: ReadWrite.com


Steam readies recommendation tags for gamers

Steam is helping you make your next purchase with its new tagging feature. The recommendation tags were previously beta tested and are now ready for everyone’s use. You can visit a product’s page and browse the tags to see other games similar to what you are viewing. You can create your own tags but Valve is working on consolidating tags with similar themes and are working on getting rid those that aren’t useful.