Dark Sky brings to-the-minute weather updates to new site

If you’re into weather forecasting, you might have heard of the handy Dark Sky app. Now, the Dark Sky Company is hoping to recreate that with a new website. The site will have the key features of the app and will show things like current temperature, weekly forecast, and to-the-minute rain forecast. According to Wired, the weather map shown is “situationally aware” and will change depending on what type of info is most relevant at the time. For example, it’ll show you the precipitation radar if it’s raining.
With the launch of darksky.net, the site Forecast.io will be shut down. The Forecast.io extension that developers can use will also be renamed to Dark Sky. The site is completely free and it looks like it’ll stay that way. It’s just meant to introduce users to what the app can do, which is available on Android and iOS.