Entries in Windows 10 (49)


Microsoft plans to take the lead with Windows 10 mobile updates

Microsoft wants to take Apple’s approach with updating Windows 10 for all devices with them pushing the updates instead of the carriers. The company intends to have a “continuous update process” for all devices running Windows 10, including the phones. They plan on giving carriers early access to upgrade builds before deployment but final delivery of updates will come from them and not the telcos. We’re not quite sure how they’ll pull this off but we just have to wait a bit more to find out.

Source: Lifehacker


Pirated Windows 10 desktops will have watermarks on them

Microsoft caused a bit of a hullaballoo when a remark they made was interpreted as the company allowing pirated users of previous Windows versions to gain access to the free upgrade of Windows 10. Terry Myerson, EVP of OS for Microsoft, said that pirated copies of Windows 10 will be getting permanent watermarks on the desktop to serve as a reminder that they’re using an illegal copy of the OS.

They plan to make people with non-genuine versions of Windows to through the Windows Store to upgrade, which would more or less mean they have to pay. Myerson said though that they intend to offer “very attractive” genuine upgrades for these kinds of users. What they plan on doing, we don’t know just yet. Aside from the watermark though, Microsoft can go as far as not sending essential security updates to the pirated copies.

Source: Ubergizmo


‘Candy Crush’ will be pre-installed in Windows 10

Well, there goes your productivity down the drain. The highly-addictive game Candy Crush Saga will be joining desktop classics like Solitaire, Hearts, and Minesweeper as pre-installed games on Microsoft’s upcoming operating system. The game will automatically be installed for users who upgrade to Windows 10 when it comes out. And yes, it supports cross-play functionality with the other versions of the game on the other platforms.

Source: IGN


Initial rollout of Windows 10 will come to PCs

Microsoft doesn’t want to jump the gun with Windows 10 so rollout of the new operating system will come out slowly. According to Microsoft’s Joe Belfiore, the rollout will happen starting in the northern summer (around August) and will increase throughout fall. And the OS will be coming to PCs first, other devices like Phone, Xbox One, Arudino, and HoloLens will be launched in the coming months. Unfortunately, not even the PC version will be getting all features. Some unidentified features will be coming after the launch.

Source: Gizmodo

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