Windows Essentials are no longer available, exisiting installs not supported

Windows Essentials 2012 may seem like and outdated suite of software (made available as an add on) but it did have one application that was used and loved by millions becuase it was simple and effective. I'm talking about Windows Video Maker which as an easy to use and effective video editor, pretty much Microsoft's answer to iMovie but without many bells and whistles.
Many a successful YouTuber's career was likely launched by Windows Video Maker and while I get that Microsoft had to retire Windows Essentials (Including Photo Gallery, Live Writer, OneDrive, Skype) but they never offered a replacement for Video Editor which is a damn shame as it was still the best 'quikc and dirty' way to get video done in a Windows machine. Microsoft seems fixated on Creators and using Windows to make cool things, hopefully they'll surprise us with a new video editor come this March.