Entries in Yahoo (34)


Yahoo Mail brings undo send to iOS app

Yahoo Mail has brought a lot of new features into its iOS and Android app, including bringing over Stationery to Android. But the one feature we know users will appreciate is being able to take back emails, much like what you can do with Gmail. There is now an undo send option for the Yahoo Mail iOS app. When you send out an email after tapping send, an “undo” option will pop up at the bottom of your inbox feed for about three seconds, so yes, you have to react fast. There is no word yet when this’ll make it into the Android app. But Yahoo does now allow Android users to disable the swipe to delete function and customizable spacing between emails in your feed to make it more condense or to see snippets of an email. You can check out the rest of the features here.


Yahoo rolls back initial integration of Tumblr’s sales team with its company

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer

Yahoo might be giving back some of Tumblr’s autonomy as Yahoo yet again missed earning expectations and is trying to reorganize itself internally for a better future. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer initially promised that Tumblr would be a standalone entity when it acquired the company back in 2013 for US$1.1 billion. But she seemed to take back the idea when they combined Yahoo and Tumblr sales staff. It supposedly caused a bit of an issue with Tumblr staff as both sales teams targeted different markets.

The sudden change in plans make us question how Yahoo will be able to work moving forward and if this means Yahoo might even consider selling Tumblr off in the future. From Tumblr’s end, the official statement is it “has introduced a number of innovative ad products to maximize value for our advertisers and best meet their needs. To further support these efforts moving forward, we have returned to a dedicated direct sales team.”

Source: Business Insider | Via: The Next Web


Yahoo reportedly letting go of 10 per cent of its workforce

Yahoo is reportedly preparing to slash 10 per cent of it s workforce. A report from Business Insider states that up to 1,000 jobs affecting Yahoo’s media business, European operations, and platforms-technology group would be cut.

Yahoo had appointed management consulting firm McKinsey & Co, in November, to help with the reorganization of its core businesses. Yahoo lost one-third of their value last year as it become clear that a spinoff of its lucrative Alibaba stake, this is despite various acquisitions and plans to reinvent itself as a media company and mobile app provider.

Source: USA Today


Flickr App for iOS 9 now supports 3D Touch

Yahoo has a new release of Flickr for iOS 9. With the new update comes some cool new features to help users get the most out of the latest Apple software and devices.

On the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, 3D Touch support has been added. It enables users to preview photos, people, notifications and more with a light press of the screen. In the Flickr Camera Roll, a new 3D Touch gesture has been developed to help users find their best shot.

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