Yelp’s crowdsourcing users for nearby PokéStops

Yelp is cashing in on the popularity of Pokémon Go. The app can now be used by users in the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand to find PokéStops. These stops are real-life locations Pokémon Go players use to get in-game items like Pokéballs and potions to help them advance in the game. Both the mobile and web version of Yelp now has a filter to easily locate these businesses and other spots close to PokéStops. It’s not an official partnership between Niantic Labs and Yelp so they’re asking users to provide information if there’s a PokéStop nearby. But it is a useful feature for avid Pokémon Go players out there. It isn’t available here yet but the launch is so recent here after all. Let’s hope we get the feature soon.
Source: CNET