Entries by Nicole Batac (11659)


Canadian Reviewer Weekly Roundup - 10/27 - 11/2


Waze to let you see school zones

Image: Google

Waze will make it easier to see busy school areas on the map soon. When driving near a school, you'll get information about that school zone and a reminder to be extra cautious. This feature will come to the Google-owned app globally later this year on Android and iOS devices.



Waze introduces Conversational Reporting

It'll be much easier to report incidents while using Waze. The app launches a beta version of Conversational Reporting, which allows you to speak naturally when reporting hazards you see on the road. All you need to do is tap the reporting button and speak as if you're talking to a friend. Gemini allows Waze to understand what you're saying and add the real-time report for you. It will ask follow-up questions when needed. Waze can then categorize the report for you.

Beta testers get access to this feature in English on both Android and iOS devices. Google plans to expand the feature to more users and languages in the coming months.



Google Maps rolls out update for Immersive View

Image: Google

With artificial intelligence, imagery, and computer vision, Google Maps gives you a closer look at your surroundings with the aptly named Immersive View feature. Starting this week, Google will expand this feature to 150 cities internationally, including places like Frankfurt, Kyoto, and Brussels. The company also adds new categories, including college campuses to give you virtual campus tours.

Immersive View for routes is also getting more details. It can let you know where to park and highlight if there are things like a complex turn in your path. Google will roll out this new update for Android and iOS.