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iPad begins selling in Canada

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's iPad is now for sale in Apple Retail Stores. Opening up early this morning, the Apple Eaton Centre downtown location played host to a frenzied crowd of iPad starved customers who have had to wait two-months to get their iPad on. Best Buy and Future Shop are also expected to carry the device even if they won't be open early today.

No idea how much supply the have in store but hundreds of customers have been queuing up to purchase the mythical device, some have reportedly camped out overnight in order to get the device which has been in short supply in the US.

Meanwhile, folks who pre-ordered their iPads from the Apple Online Store are waiting patiently for FedEx to make good on their deliveries. Customers who ordered the 3G+WiFi iPad have already received their Rogers MicroSIM cards. Despite some reports of delays due to weather, it is believed that thousands of iPads are expected to be delivered to their patient owners today.

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