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iSkin's back-to-school contest set to give away $1,000 in prizes

Toronto based tech and accessory maker iSkin is  running a back-to-school contest and giving away a 64GB 3G iPad, plus some amazing iSkin accessories to rock out the new school year. Both students and non-students are eligible to join the contest which ends on Septemeber 30th. Hit the jump for details on rules and prizes.
Whole package includes:
Apple iPad 64GB 3G
iSkin Vu for iPad
iSkin silo Messenger Bag
iSkin Eartones
iSkin Cerulean RX

The contest is open to US and Canadian participants. To join the draw, simply fill out the form found at http://www.iskin.com/backtoschool/ before the September 30 deadline.

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