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Review: News360 for Google Android Honeycomb

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Available for iOS,  Windows Phone 7, RIM PlayBook, Desktop and Android, News360 is a next generation newsreader and aggregator that gives Honeycomb tablet users a quick and slick way to catch up on the latest news.

Honeycomb already has an outstanding news aggregator app in Pulse but News360 seems to take the concept to the next levet. The free app opens up on a Story view which gives two basic columns. The left column breaks down news categories and clicking on any will quickly bring up any of the top stories under that category.

Each story also has corresponding links to sources whcih when pressed will take users directly to those stories. For example, a story on the recent Japan Earthquake will give you hotlinks to CNN, USA Today, CBS, BBC and Al Jazeera stories.

More visually oriented users can go try out the 360" view which brings up a floating montage of images from that each link to a specific story. Aside from visual clues, you don't really get any specific information as to what the content connected to the photos is. So, this is a fun and novel way to peruse the news but isn't as effective as just drilling down topics or subtopics.

Users can share each article they encounter through Facebook, Twitter, ReadItLater and Instapaper as well as Honeycomb native services like Bluetooth, Google Docs, Dropbox, eMail, Evernote and GMail.

Users can also search for specific news topics or meems which seems to work quite efficiently. This is a well relaized and designed Android Honeycomb app that really makes the most out of the tablet size and interface. News360 has made using our Motorola XOOM fun again.

Rating: 4. 5 out of 5

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