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Registration now open for BlackBerry World 2012

BlackBerry World is the largest yearly event for the BlackBerry ecosystem and a good launching venue for new products and technologies. Taking place this year from May 1 to May 3 in Orlando, Florida, the event is the best place for developers to learn about the BlackBerry 10 OS and upcoming mobile devices. Registration for the event can be accessed here.

There are so many reasons for BlackBerry users to attend BlackBerry World. This is your opportunity to find out about the latest developments for the BlackBerry solution, meet with BlackBerry experts, form new business relationships, and get answers to your IT, business, and application development questions. As part of the BlackBerry ecosystem, you cannot afford to miss this event.

Canadianreviewer.com will be covering the event live! We begin our in depth coverage on April 30 all throughout the show through Twitter and on the website.

BlackBerry World offers unique opportunities for Business Leaders, Enterprise Developers, and IT Professionals:

  • Get the specific BlackBerry knowledge you need to help you do your job better, including deployment best practices, developer tools, tips and tricks, and learning how to implement and manage the latest technology in your organization
  • IT Administrators can get a more in depth education in the BlackBerry Training Courses
  • BlackBerry users can become BlackBerry Certified at the conference
  • Everything you need to know about the BlackBerry solution is all in one place
  • Take in all of the great Breakout Session content - with an abundance of sessions, you'll find the information you need to take your mobile strategies to the next level
  • Gain access to the wireless marketplace in the Solutions Showcase, where our conference sponsors will be onsite to show you how you can enhance your deployment
  • Get insight into the big picture from industry leading analysts and experts
  • Network and learn from your peers - find out what's working for them in today's competitive landscape and how their learning can be applied to challenges that you face

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