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10-inch BlackBerry PlayBook appears in Vietnam

We've known for some time that RIM had plans for a larger PlayBook, it appeared in a leaked roadmap slide a month ago slated for Q3 2013. The 10-inch PlayBook project (apparently codenamed Blackforest 128) was thought to have been shelved since RIM had more pressing business to attend to, namely getting BlackBerry 10 and its supporting devices off the ground and into user's and developer's hands. You know, to get the company back in decent shape and competing again in the mobile market.

Vietnamese website Tinthe.vn, which has a history of getting products before they launch, shows vatious photos of a larger PlayBook Tablet with the BlackBerry branding but it seems to ape Apple's iPad in terms of dimensions and features. The website show various other photos of the larger PlayBook as well as some interesing details including its innards and a SIM card as well sa PlayBook 4G branding. It will be interesting to see if this device is still on RIM's roadmap and how it managed to turn up a year ahead of time in Vietnam.

Source: Tinthe.vn via Engadget

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