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The Apple Beat: Mac Pro getting pre-order status in Germany as launch anticipation builds

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's new Mac Pro is the supercar of desktops. A product that's both exotic and incredibly powerful and quite far ahead of what the competition has available now.

The much awaited replacement to the cheese grater Mac Pro design (which harkens back to the dark days of PowerPC and the G5) is also one which unapologetically pushes various boundaries in industrial design, engineering, fabrication and performance. Apple's promised that the first Mac Pros would be available to order in December and while no firm date has been set, a German reseller is already taking orders for this statement product.

It is rare to feel excitement and anticipation for a desktop computer at a time when industry-wide PC sales are nose-diving, but this is a Mac and one that brings tons of innovation and a very unique design.

It really is the successor to the G4 Cube. While the Cube wasn't a great success, it nonetheless taught Apple new innovations and processes that made products like the Mac Mini, the MacBook Air and even the iPad possible. 

According to MacRumors.com German retailer Conrad Electronic has begun taking orders of the new desktop and the same report states an availability of December 16!

Will Apple follow suit with an announcement and will there be new Cinema or Thunderbolt Displays (4K, cough, cough) to accompany the Mac Pro, no one knows for sure but stay tuned.

Having seen the Mac Pro up close during the recent Apple Fall product event and earlier in the year at WWDC, what surprised me the most is how small it is. Despite  tiny footprint, this all-solid state desktop just emanates a surging feeling of power.

From the shiny Vader-esque exterior to the warm exhaust that redirects the air, it is just plain impressive (and so eerily quiet).  While I'm not the target demographic for the new Mac Pro, I'll most certainly be getting in line to check it out when it hits the Apple Stores.

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