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Enjoy glasses-free 3D on your mobile devices with EyeFly3D

If you want to watch 3D videos on your Apple iPhone or iPad or on your Google Nexus 7, EyeFly3D offers screen protectors that can let you watch 3D movies on those devices without the use of glasses. The protector for the iPhone costs US$26.95 and the iPad Air protector costs $59.95. There will also be protectors for iPad mini and Nexus 7 but there are no details on pricing or availability.

The product incorporates 500,000 nano-lenses onto the screen protector to help create that stereoscopic effect. EyeFly has provided Vid and Img apps to view 3D content or load 3D videos from the File Sharing feature on iTunes. The company claims it will not affect 2D use of your device.

Source: The Next Web

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