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BlackBerry releases RSA SecureID Software Token for two factor authentication

BlackBerry has released the RSA SecurID Software Token is now available on all BlackBerry 10 smartphones, including the Z30. This great business app provides a one-time passcode software security token for BlackBerry 10 devices running BlackBerry 10.1 and 10.2.1. RSA SecurID software tokens provide two-factor authentication using the RSA time-based algorithm. With this app, BlackBerry 10 users can use their smartphones as security tokens for safe and secure access to corporate assets. Head over to BlackBerry World today to download RSA SecurID Software Token for your BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

Reader Comments (1)

I think I am going to need to download this. I have been so worried about this taking over all of my electronics. I hope that it will prevent anything like that from happening.

January 29, 2014 | Unregistered CommenterRuth James

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