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First Look at Apple's Mac Pro desktop

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple's much awaited Mac Pro started shipping a few weeks ago and we just received our review unit. This is the 12-core processor version with 32GB of RAM and 512GB of SSD storage. It comes in a simple black box with a few flyers, black Apple stickers and a power cord.

The Mac Pro itself is stunning to behold. It is  indescribably shiny and it weighs so little and is small enough to carry with one hand. The conical shape is extremely well balanced and is built to an impressive degree of precision. One button quickly liberates the lock so you can remove the outer shell which reminds me of Darth Vader or Magneto's helmet. I'm scrounging around for a spare keyboard, mouse and monitor to hook up to this bad boy and expect to have a more detailed review in a few weeks time.


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