Former Tinder co-founder starts up new dating app

After leaving Tinder and filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against her colleagues, the company’s co-founder Whitney Wolfe is looking to get back in the dating app game. Wolfe has partnered with Tinder alumni Chris Gulczynski and Sarah Mick to create a similar swipe-based dating app called Bumble. The site’s Facebook page is up but there aren’t any details yet on what differentiates this social discovery app. One sure thing is they’ve been taking subtle digs against Tinder by saying their app isn’t filled with “creepy guys and cheesy pick-up lines” and that they promote a “safe and respectful community.” The app will match based on “relevant signals” unlike other “more shallow apps.” Ouch. Time will only be able to tell if Wolfe’s attempt at the dating app game will succeed.
Source: Engadget

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