The Holiday Season's BEST Ad Campaigns

By Sonya Davidson
This time of year we're bombarded with ad campaigns from many companies. Many to draw our attention and to pull on our heartstrings or have a little fun and we look forward to them. Here are my top favourites already. I may need to do a second round as we wrap up the holiday season.
Telus Holiday Mode Magic: reminds us in several videos this seasons to get back into our #HolidayMode and unplug so we don't miss out on the most important moments over the holidays. The company has a series of videos out for the season including the "Holiday Mode: Tuned Out Kid". They are fun for sure! This one that got me instantly. In this video, Telus ran an experiment to see if people would put their phones down for some holiday magic.
Air Canada - Gift of Home for the Holidays: Those who work overseas may not always be able to get "home" for the holidays. In this year's holiday moment, Air Canada shows two pilots visiting the Maple Leaf Pub in London, England where many Canadian expats gather. Who's going home for the holidays?
Apple - The Song: is a very creative, yet simple message that transcends time and brings the fondest memories to life. This video shows the emotions of bringing two generations closer together. I get teary each time I see this. It's beautiful!
Canadian Tire - Spread The Cheer! This thoughtful gesture focuses on several children's hospitals across Canada and bringing the magic of Christmas to families who won't be spending time in their own homes for the holidays. Canadian Tire worked together with the hospitals to inflate the spirits of these kids.
Mastercard #PricelessSurprises: There are so much generousity during the holiday season. This year, Mastercard decked out delivery trucks and travelled across the country to help those who help others.
Toronto Pearson Airport Celebrates #HappierHolidays - nearly two mllion passengers will travel through Toronto Pearson Airport over the next three weeks surrounding the busy Christmas season and offering special services is a thoughtful way to help tired and stressed out travellers - gift wrapping services will be available throughout the terminals so passengers can bring their unwrapped gifts to be wrapped after gong through security checkpoints is just one example of what's being planned. Also, shopping options are looking up with the additon of high-end retailers including Burberry, Michael Kors and Coach. This holiday season, Toronto Pearson surprised a few unsuspecting travellers.
WestJet Christmas Miracle: Spirit of Giving: We've all come to expect great things out of WestJet during the festive season. This year, they didn't disappoint. Watch what happens here when Santa visits a community in the Dominican Republic. What did the people asked Santa for?
Coca-Cola Give A Little Happiness: has a simple message to remind us all that what may seem like a simple gesture can make someone's world a whole lot happier.
Google Philippines: Also has a sweet focused on reaching out to loved ones around the world. This messages resonates with many Filipinos who live and work away from their families and friends and for whom Christmas is the most important time of the year.
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