Macs and iDevices outsell all Windows PCs during holiday quarter

Macs might not add up to much in terms of PC market share as Macs make up only 14% of total PCs sold but add in the iPhones and iPads and that number is dramatic. As a company, Apple has surpassed PC market sales with its Macs as well as its iDevices and this means more new users are opting to go with mobile devices than with new PCs. Research from Analyst Benedict Evans points to another observation, "this is a pretty good illustration of the scale of mobile: Apple limits itself only to the high end of the mobile market but still sells more units than the whole PC industry."
Source: AppleInsider

Reader Comments (2)
That is an inaccurate statement. Macs and iDevices combined outsold Windows desktop and laptop PCs. This does not take into account Windows tablet PC's. The Gartner report (which is generally considered not as accurate as IDC) excludes tablets in the PC category.
The argument from the "analyst" is also not valid. He is lumping all Apple devices together, then says that Apples mobile market is more units than the whole PC industry, which is flat out wrong if you read the numbers. First you would need to delete the Mac PCs to get Apple's mobile numbers. Already you are below the number of Windows desktop and laptops. If you add Windows tablets, still a small number but growing, and already more than Apples desktops and laptops, then Windows sells far more than OSX + iOS.
One other thing to ponder: are laptops not mobile devices?
You may not be familiar with benedict evens. He is a renowned Apple fan that scours the internet looking for statistics to cherry pick that show Apple in a favourable light.
This is just another example of his data manipulation.
As you point out the results do not include W8 tablets, nor do they include gaming devices, embed devices or servers.
In his typical underhand fashion, the statement only becomes true when you exclude Windows Phones from the mix.
He also turns a blind eye to the fact that Android vastly out sells Apple devices and that Gartner include Symbian as a smartphone OS, meaning that Symbian would have outnumbered MS devices over a decade ago.