Entries in Post PC (5)


The Apple Beat: iPad Pro's post-PC evolution

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s iPad has always been positioned as the next evolution of personal computing and the replacement of notebooks and desktops. It wasn’t until the release of the iPad Pro line that this ideal really had the foundation to stand on.

Aside from desktop-level processing power, a number of operating system tweaks to improve multitasking and multi-app usage plus an expanding ecosystem of accessories that help bridge the gap between tablets geared for content consumption  and content creation devices like notebooks and 2-in-1’s, we’re starting to see the realization of this Post-PC ideal.

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Macs and iDevices outsell all Windows PCs during holiday quarter

Macs might not add up to much in terms of PC market share as Macs make up only 14% of total PCs sold but add in the iPhones and iPads and that number is dramatic. As a company, Apple has surpassed PC market sales with its Macs as well as its iDevices and this means more new users are opting to go with mobile devices than with new PCs. Research from Analyst Benedict Evans points to another observation, "this is a pretty good illustration of the scale of mobile: Apple limits itself only to the high end of the mobile market but still sells more units than the whole PC industry."

Source: AppleInsider


Post PC: Intel to cease desktop motherboard production in 3 years

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Intel plans to cease production of desktop montherboards in the next three years. While the chip giant will continue to provide components to third-party motherboard manufacturers it will end its own production after launching and supporting  motherboards that support the upcoming Haswell architecture. This is the latest news to follow the downturn in PC desktop sales in the market after a continous slowdown as more consumers move to notebooks and mobile devices.

Intel has been the prime proponent of the Ultrabook, convertible and now tablet form factors and is making a clear bid at the mobile processor market with a renewed line of Atom processors to power smartphones and tablets.

Source: AnandTech


Lenovo passes HP to become the world's No.1 PC maker

Lenovo has surpassed HP as the number one maker of PCs. HP lost the top spot after maintaining the position for six years. Lenovo grabbed the lead by consistenly growing shipments 10 percent year over year. HP's PC shipments, on the other hand,  declined by 16 percent.

Worldwide, PC shipments totaled 87.5 million units in Q3, a decline of 8.3 percent year over year. Lenovo jumped into the limelight in 2005 when it bought IBM's PC business. It has held the no.2 slot behind HP for a number of years even if it doesn't share as wide a presence in the consumer space. Lenovo is famed for its focus on enterprise as well as its build-to-order business.

Source: Forbes