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Apple's iPhone Reuse and Recycling Program now live in Canada

Apple products and iPhones in particular are known to retain great market value even in second hand markets. Apple now offers a way for Canadian users to trade in older iPhones for up to $275 off a new iPhone purchase. 

"iPhones hold great value. So, Apple Retail Stores in Canada arelaunching a new program to assist customers who wish to bring in their previous-generation iPhone for reuse or recycling," said an Apple spokesperson. "In addition to helping support the environment, customers will be able to receive a credit for their returned phone that they can use toward the purchase of a new iPhone.”

The iPhone Reuse and Recycling Program offers an affordable way to upgrade to a new iPhone by getting a store credit of up to $275 based on the value of their current, working iPhone. The offer applies to both consumer and business customers who choose to activate a new iPhone. It also allows customers with non-working iPhones to recycle their phones in an environmentally responsible way. 

Apple has been offering online recycling for over 3 years, and this is an additional service in store for our customers.

Customers simply visits their local Apple store, where they are given an immediate value for it and can trade it in then and there for a new iPhone. They will also enjoy the benefits that the Apple Store always offers, including helping them choose a customary plan with their carrier of choice, and Personal Set-Up.

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