Entries in Recycling (4)


Apple expands Recycling Programs with more drop-off locations for used devices

Apple released its 2019 Environment report, which contains additional information on the company’s climate change solutions, including its recent announcement that 44 of its suppliers have committed to 100 percent renewable energy for their Apple production. The report can be viewed at apple.com/ca/environment. The company will be celebrating Earth Day on April 22 with environmentally themed Today at Apple sessions at all Apple Stores, and will be featuring original stories and collections of apps and games on the App Store to help people honour the Earth and consider their role in the natural ecosystem.

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Watch Apple's hypnotic Liam robot take apart old iPhones

There were various nuggets in Apple's Spring product launch event yesterday that were easy to miss. The introduction of Liam, a robot used to take apart and properly dispose of discarded iPhones, was not one of them. Anyone who has had to repair or disassemble technology knows that it is not an easy task. Yet, Liam manages to strip away Apple's well put-together iPhones with little fuss and in quite an elegant way. Liam can reportedly take apart 1.2 million iPhones a year.

The video above does speak to Apple's Renew initiative and heavy focus on the environment. This is the first example I have seen where each component and how it is disposed or recycled is explained.


Apple's iPhone Reuse and Recycling Program now live in Canada

Apple products and iPhones in particular are known to retain great market value even in second hand markets. Apple now offers a way for Canadian users to trade in older iPhones for up to $275 off a new iPhone purchase. 

"iPhones hold great value. So, Apple Retail Stores in Canada arelaunching a new program to assist customers who wish to bring in their previous-generation iPhone for reuse or recycling," said an Apple spokesperson. "In addition to helping support the environment, customers will be able to receive a credit for their returned phone that they can use toward the purchase of a new iPhone.”

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Dell recycles 150 million pounds of used electronics in 2011

Dell Computer announced it diverted more than 68 million kilograms (150 million lbs.) of end-of-life electronics globally from landfills in fiscal year 2011, a 16 percent increase over fiscal year 2010. Dell is about two-thirds of the way toward its goal of recycling 1 billion pounds of e-waste by 2014.

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