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Chevy Cruze sales halted for airbag issue, 33,000 units affected

Seems like car troubles and quality problems for GM are mounting. The company has just ordered US and Canada dealers to cease selling  2013 and 2014 Chevy Cruze models due to an airbag issue.

"Certain vehicles may be equipped with a suspect driver's air bag inflator module that may have been assembled with an incorrect part," GM spokesmen Jim Cain said in a statement. "We are working diligently with the supplier of the defective part to identify specific vehicles affected and expect to resume deliveries by the end of this week once those vehicles are identified." GM has revealed that 33,000 units of the popular compact Chevy Cruze are affected by this issue which is being attributed to airbag supplier Takata.

GM has already recalled more vehicles in 2014 for various issues than in any other year in its history. 

Source: USA Today

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  • Response
    Response: order custom essay
    I dod not understand about the airbag issue which stop the selling cruze car. I hope the government should take some effective steps to resolve the problems. The GM has already known about the bad effects of this airbag and hope they will find a get way of solving the problem. ...

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