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Expedia App now on Windows Phone

Expedia's travel app is available in the Windows Phone Store for download. Now sporting a nice Modern touch user interface, it more closely mirrors the look and feel of Microsoft's other priducts. Here is a quick outline of what customers will experience. Hit jump for a full rundown of Expedia's features on Windows Phone.

·         Book flights and hotels: Similar to our existing Expedia app on iOS and Android platforms, customers can browse and book flights and hotels directly within the app.

·         Review your itinerary: Travelers can also review their upcoming flight and hotel itineraries within the app so they can conveniently access information like confirmation codes and check-in times.

·         Payment options: Since the app is built from our mobile website, Windows Phone customers will have the option (among participating hotels) to choose if they want to pay now or pay later – a payment option called Expedia Traveler Preference (ETP) that currently exists on our desktop and mobile website but is not available to our iOS or Android Expedia app users.

·         Future plans: We’re closely monitoring customer feedback on the new app. One thing we expect travelers will want is the option to receive timely push notifications about their trip.

As new mobile platforms emerge, Expedia keeps a sharp eye on customer interest and demand. The Windows Phone platform is experiencing growth in various markets around the world. We are excited that our Expedia app is now available to travelers across all of Expedia’s points of sale who use Windows Phone.

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  • Response
    Response: best essay
    I have been using this app for 3 months now on my windows phone. I will help me a lot to know more thing about the unknown. I appreciate who built such app for the windows.

Reader Comments (1)

The app is just a web version of the app with limited functionality and poor UI compared to the apps on other platforms. A shame that such company as Expedia can stand so low to its customers.

June 27, 2014 | Unregistered Commentermeek

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