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The end is near for Apple's Aperture professional photo editing app

Apple's longtime pro photo ediing application Aperture is apparently about to get its curtain call. Sources say that Apple is no longer going to continue development on Aperture, which debuted in 2005 and grew to be a favoured tool of professional and prosumer photographers because it offered intuitive and realtime non-destructive photo editing on a granular level. Apple will focus on the new Photos app for OS X which was revealed on WWDC.

"With the introduction of the new Photos app and iCloud Photo Library, enabling you to safely store all of your photos in iCloud and access them from anywhere, there will be no new development of Aperture," said Apple in a statement provided to The Loop. "When Photos for OS X ships next year, users will be able to migrate their existing Aperture libraries to Photos for OS."

Aperture is still an awesome photo editing applications, I personally have it installed in my older Mac Pro and it's been nothing but rock solid but times they are a changin' and Aperture  doesn't look like it has the new fangeld codebase to jam nicely with iOS or iCloud.  Apple will continue support for Aperture and make sure it runs buttery smooth on Yosemite but the transition to the similarly powerful (and more Continuity friendly) Photos for OS X should enable users to transition their libraries to the new application. Of course, this reality is not lost on Adobe, whose superb pro photo editing app Lightroom, has long been Aperture's rival. Adobe's apparently making the Lightroom and Creative Cloud more attractive to forlorn Aperture loyalists by stressing a roadmap of features as well as a, "a rich roadmap of rapid innovation for desktop, web and device workflows in the coming weeks, months and years." That's really great news.

Source: The Loop Insight, Appleinsider

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