Entries in Photo app (3)


Instagram debuts standalone app for photo collages

There are a large number of photo collage apps out on the market and they’re crammed with so many features that you don’t know what to do with all of them. Instagram is taking them on directly with its new standalone photo collage app called Layout. It lets you combine borderless multiple photos to show off selfies with your friends or even get a bit more creative with your landscape shots.

The app really is just meant to create photo collages but it’ll let you take selfies with its Photo Booth feature that will take four consecutive shots at once. It’ll let you pick photos from your camera roll. It even has a Faces option so it’ll just show you photos with people in them. And like other photo collage apps, you can adjust and rearrange photos individually to get your layout right. You can flip and rotate images to create mirror effect and the like. Layout is currently just available on iOS but it will be coming to Android in the coming months.

Source: Instagram | Via: Fast Company | Download: Apple iTunes App Store (Free)


Mix lets you customize photo presets on Android

There are those who aren’t satisfied with the filters offered by the different photo editing apps. Camera 360’s Mix hopes to fill in the gaps with its highly customizable app. It comes with over 40 textures, 115 filters, and 10 adjustment tools to help you create effects such as bokeh blurring and DSLR-like depth of field. You can save the effect you’ve created for future use. Camera 360’s site features some original settings and guides on how to create them.

Source: Mix | Via: The Next Web | Download: Google Play Store (Free)


The end is near for Apple's Aperture professional photo editing app

Apple's longtime pro photo ediing application Aperture is apparently about to get its curtain call. Sources say that Apple is no longer going to continue development on Aperture, which debuted in 2005 and grew to be a favoured tool of professional and prosumer photographers because it offered intuitive and realtime non-destructive photo editing on a granular level. Apple will focus on the new Photos app for OS X which was revealed on WWDC.

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