Entries in mix (2)


Mix lets you customize photo presets on Android

There are those who aren’t satisfied with the filters offered by the different photo editing apps. Camera 360’s Mix hopes to fill in the gaps with its highly customizable app. It comes with over 40 textures, 115 filters, and 10 adjustment tools to help you create effects such as bokeh blurring and DSLR-like depth of field. You can save the effect you’ve created for future use. Camera 360’s site features some original settings and guides on how to create them.

Source: Mix | Via: The Next Web | Download: Google Play Store (Free)


Review: Zulu DJ Software for Windows

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

As a one-time DJ back in the days of vinyl, turntables and mixers- I've long wondered how to best replicate a mixing set-up  on a laptop. We have thousands of MP3's from CD's we've ripped through the years which we've enjoyed on out smartphones and MP3 players but now we want to create mixes. Zulu DJ Software seemed to have the answer.

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