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BlackBerry 10 OS 10.3.1 available for existing BlackBerry 10 smartphones

It's been a long time coming but BlackBerry 10 OS 10.3.1 is finally here for in-market BlackBerry 10 devices, including the BlackBerry(R) Passport, Z30, Z3, Z10, Q10, and Q5, as well as the Porsche Design P'9983 and P'9982 smartphones.

Updating the rest of the BB 10 family of phones with the latest and greatest features, the update includes, BlackBerry Blend, BlackBerry Assistant, battery boosting technology, plus improvements to the BlackBerry Hub, calendar, camera, multimedia and more.

This latest version also introduces dual app stores, offering access to hundreds of thousands of apps through the BlackBerry Worldstorefront and the Amazon Appstore. 

BlackBerry 10 OS 10.3.1 offers a fresh look that incorporates updated icons and an instant action bar so that each user's most commonly accessed functions are in the center of their screen. 

Source: Marketwired

Reader Comments (1)

Sibce 2days now I have been trying to upate my blackberry 10 os, th screen is still rotating to 99%.please what will I do.

February 22, 2015 | Unregistered Commenterconcy

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