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Christy Turlington Burns - Apple Watch can track runs without an iPhone

Being pitched as one of the most advanced health and activity tracking wearables, the Apple Watch was expected to require an iPhone in order to connect to the Internet as well as track activity information. Supermodel, marathon runner and Apple Watch spokesperson Christy Turlington Burns, recently revealed that the Apple Watch can track runs without an iPhone. 

Burns, who has been blogging about her experiences with the Apple Watch as well as her cause, Every Mother Counts, explained the following on her blog.

“After you run with Apple Watch and your iPhone a few times, the Workout app knows more about your stride,” she wrote. “So you can run on a treadmill or outside without your phone and still get a really accurate workout summary.”

This information and that the Apple Watch can be used as a standalone iPod (with compatible Bluetooth headphones) means that runners and joggers can just take the Watch on their runs and not have to take their iPhones with them.

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