Entries in HealthKit (7)


Christy Turlington Burns - Apple Watch can track runs without an iPhone

Being pitched as one of the most advanced health and activity tracking wearables, the Apple Watch was expected to require an iPhone in order to connect to the Internet as well as track activity information. Supermodel, marathon runner and Apple Watch spokesperson Christy Turlington Burns, recently revealed that the Apple Watch can track runs without an iPhone. 

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The Apple Beat: ResearchKit can revolutionize medical research

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It's been a week since Apple held a special event to reintroduce Apple Watch and launch new MacBooks. One game-changing revelation during that event was the introduction of the ResearchKit framework, which can help researchers gather and process information for clinical studies and cast a wider net using iPhones as research terminals.

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Apple's HealthKit for iOS 8 being tested at 60 per cent of top 23 US hospitals

Apple's centralized health tracking and aggregation HealthKit features are reportedly being tested at 60 per cent of top 23 US hospitals. Launched as part of iOS 8 last year, HealthKit aims to revolutionize mobile health tracking not just by measuring health and movement but by keeping a tab of user's specific health conditions, vitals and even real-time reporting of a sudden change of condition to user's health care providers. 

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HealthKit app Deadline tells you when you’re going to die

There’s nothing like a visual reminder of your impending death to keep you on your toes or creep you out immensely. A new HealthKit app for iOS 8 called Deadline is designed to let you know when you’re supposed to bite the dust. It makes use of a short quiz and HealthKit functionality to let you know when you’re supposed to die. It uses your answer and HealthKit information to calculate a generic algorithm for your death. It even has a timer that counts down to your death, which you can turn into a widget on your screen (if this is your kind of thing). Morbidness aside, it’s the kind of thing we’d need to remind us that life is short and we better get some living done.

Source: Gizmodo | Download: Apple iTunes App Store ($0.99)