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MasterCard Masters of Code Competition Coming to Montreal

By Sonya Davidson

MasterCard Masters of Code competition is coming to Montreal this fall. On September 26 and 27, the event will focus on the connected life and how social and economic challenges can be addressed with our increasing connection with technology. 

The event offers the best and brightest Canadian developers the opportunity to create an application that makes it easier for people to learn, travel, commute, shop or pay for everyday items. Interested? Make sure you visit the MasterCard Masters of Code event page to register.

“Canada is home to some of the best developers and tech enthusiasts in the world. At the Masters of Code hackathon, we’re asking teams to solve everyday pain points – from transit to travel to e-learning. This is a real opportunity for developers to turn the spark of an idea into a usable, market-ready app,” said Jason Davies, Head of Emerging Payments, MasterCard Canada. “I have no doubt that at the end of the Montreal event we’ll be sending a world-class Canadian team to San Francisco. I can’t wait to cheer our Canadian developers on.”

MasterCard Canada paved the way for payments hackathons with MasterCard N>XT, the first payment network-hosted developer contest. MasterCard N>XT first debuted in Toronto in 2013 and has launched a number of tech startups via more than $50,000 in prizes, including past winners changeRoom and Tulip, two companies changing the retail experience by blending online and in-store shopping.

The event has now evolved into the global Masters of Code series, which kicked-off in Sydney, Australia earlier this year and includes events in Hong Kong, Singapore, Tel Aviv, and San Francisco, among others. The winning team from each region will be flown to Silicon Valley to complete in The Grand Finale Masters of Code hackathon, held December 5th to 6th for a chance to win USD$100,000 to develop their idea, plus unique access to MasterCard technology and mentorship from MasterCard experts.

Sponsored and hosted by MasterCard and organized by AngelHack, Masters of Code competition brings together the world’s top developers, designers and entrepreneurs to take on the MasterCard APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to build the future of commerce. Using these APIs, developers will have access to unsurpassed assets, data insights, services and products from MasterCard that are focused on powering commerce on a global scale. The participating teams at this event will drive the next generation of commerce applications in Canada and globally. More information about the MasterCard Masters of Code competition including rules, judging criteria and prizes can be seen at www.MastersofCode.com





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