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Apple’s latest trademark hints at El Capitan coming to the iPad

Apple has vehemently said in the past that they plan to keep iOS and OS X separate. But a new trademark filing might see a crossover. According to the European Patent & Trademark Office’s official El Capitan filing, tablets have been added as a category that can be covered by the operating system’s trademark. Of course, Apple might just be covering all its bases but there is a possibility of this happening. There have been incessant rumours that a 12.9-inch iPad Pro will be making a debut, perhaps putting in Apple’s desktop OS on it might make it an even more viable device.

Source: Cult of Mac

Reader Comments (2)

Another brilliant, original move by Apple that in no way directly mimics what Microsoft has done. Half of iOS looks just like Windows Phone now, and they're going to try their hand at a Surface now. What's next, an OS that runs on all platforms with a changing interface depending on input type?

It's no wonder people love Apple products. Their "innovations" have already been around for months or years on other platforms gaining feedback and iterating through dozens of versions before Apple "invents" it again. For twice the price and half the performance potential.

July 4, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterWizminkey

Whoa . . . Mr. Wizminkey so fervently rants his one-sided, narrow-minded, inaccurate hyperbole. I wonder what brought him to click on this exclusively Apple story. Simply to rant? Ha-ha! What a joke.

July 4, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterUnbiased Monk

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