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Dyson searches for ‘ReThinkers’ a.k.a. world’s brightest minds

Dyson doesn’t just want smart people, they want the brightest minds. Those who are able to take on a series of challenges that test “ingenuity, wrong thinking, and perseverance.” This competition has an attractive prize waiting for those up to take the challenge: a chance to visit Dyson’s top secret technology campus in the UK and meet Dyson CEO Max Conze—all expenses paid for.

The British company opened the £250m campus in Malmesbury, Wiltshire last month. The site is currently home to 2,500 Dyson people with 129 laboratories, space for hands-on prototyping, designing, and breakout spaces for collaboration. The campus also has a multi-purpose sports facility and café to give the place the university feel. If that’s something you want to see in person, you can find out more here. There’s the first clue embedded in the opening video so keep your eye out for that.

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