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DoJ files a motion to force Apple to comply with FBI iPhone backdoor request

In response to Apple's denial to allow a backdoor access on an iPhone used in a terrorist attack in San Bernandino, the US Department of Justice has filed a motion to compel Apple to create firmware that would allow the FBI to brute force access into iPhones. Apple has three days to reply to the order.

Apple CEO Tim Cook posted a public letter this week to Apple's website explaining why creating a backdoor tool for the iPhone would set a dangerous precedent. Other technology CEOs, namely Google's Sundar Pichai and executives from Twitter and Facebook have backed Apple's stand. Apple has stressed that it has in the passed turned over subpoenaed information under request as well as allowed its engineers and their expertise to serve as consultants to various government and security agencies, however the creation of a tool that can be used to crack the encryption of the iPhone would be a dangerous precedent.

Source: 9to5Mac

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