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Google reportedly working on VR OS and new headset

There seems to be more coming from Google when it comes to the virtual reality front. According to Financial Times, Google is working on a more VR-friendly version of its Android operating system as well as developing a new headset that could rival the likes of the Gear VR. We know Google already has Cardboard but that US$10 VR headset can use an upgrade. The supposed new VR headset will also allow you to slide your Android phone in but will have extra sensors to give a more responsive and immersive experience for its user.

At least two of Google's top designers are working on their VR efforts. These include the design department now run by former head of Search Jon Wiley and Joshua To, who is design lead for the company's app design. We're excited to see what their work will produce. The new headset is said to be coming around September or possibly even later than that.

Source: Co.Design

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