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Apple to start showing ads in App Store

Google’s done it to the Play Store last year and now Apple’s bringing it into its own App Store in the U.S. iOS users will soon see paid ads show up when you search for specific apps in the App Store. Apple claims they’ll show no more than one ad marked in blue at the top of the search list when you look by name or subject. The tech giant claims this it a way to bring visibility to apps that are finding it hard to get noticed in an increasingly crowded app market. Apple promises that wealthy advertisers won’t dominate the results and they are working on ways to help users find new apps.

Aside from this, Apple is encouraging app-makers to sell their apps on a subscription basis. They promise these developers bigger revenue cut (from 70 percent to 85 percent) if consumers maintain their subscription for at least a year. This, they say, will help give developers a more reliable and long-term stream of income.

Source: Apple

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