Entries in Apple App Store (27)


Apple sees economic growth in Canada through the App Store

Photo by Corinne Kutz/Unsplash

While many physical stores had to shut down because of the pandemic, Apple has seen some growth in what it calls the iOS app economy. The company says it's been a "resilient source of opportunity, innovation, and economic growth." That Canadian developers continue to grow their businesses and share new apps with the world through the pandemic. 

The App Store now supports over 243,000 Canadian jobs, which it says is 18% more than the past year. It reports that developers across Canada have generated over $2 billion in total earnings, growing 20% in 2020 from the previous year. What's interesting to note is that 90% of the revenues Canadian developers are earning come from outside the country.

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How Apple services entertained, informed, and connected in the most unprecedented year

This past year has shown us how resourceful we can be with the right tools. From grocery delivery to zoom workouts to endless podcasts on pretty much every subject we can imagine we've found ways to adjust. Hard to believe that in a couple months it will be March again and that will take our part of the country into a year's worth of lockdown measures. None of us thought we would be still here, but, yet we are. How many of us can't imagine a world without our devices? As the world continues to move forward in these unprecented times (yes, there's that word again), Apple has released an interesting overview on what happened in 2020 and what we can look forward to in 2021. 

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Apple shares its best apps, podcasts, books/audiobooks of 2020

Source: Apple

Apple has released its comprehensive list of the best app, podcasts, and books/audiobooks based on editorial picks and data from the App Store, Apple Podcasts, and Apple Books. Vancouver-based game developer RAC7 won the Apple Arcade Game of the Year with Sneaky Sasquatch.  

The company noted that a trend that dominated the year lent towards helpfulness, which meant to help users "stay healthy, educated, connected, and entertained."

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Apple to require developers to share app privacy 'nutrition label' starting next month

Apple announced at WWDC 2020 that it was going to require developers to share information on the data it collects from users. With that info, the company promised to add what looks like nutrition labels on the App Store so users can understand the apps they download better, learn about whether they can track you, and find out what info is linked to you.

Now, we learn that Apple will require developers to comply starting December 8, which means we might start seeing these labels then. Developers can share the necessary information through Apple's App Store Connect website.

Source: Engadget