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Hyper app brings video digests to mobile

Taking a more visual approach to app digests, Hyper is a newly launched app on iOS after they were acquired by Mic last month. What started out as an iPad app now brings the video digest experience to the iPhone. What sets Hyper apart is it’s a video-focused platform that gives its users 10 curated short videos (usually around three- to six-minute clips) in a clean, vertical list. It’ll ask you to pick your content preference from four categories: tech, global news, pop culture, and fun, and then it’ll start sending the recommendations your way. There’s no other customization. It easily lets you move from one video after another like you would on other streaming multimedia platforms.

Journalists and filmmakers are the ones who select the content and they’ve partnered with the likes of Condé Nast Entertainment, Vogue, GQ, The New Yorker, and Wired. And this approach helps create the aesthetic and themes Hyper is going after, it also allows the team to pick obscure videos from the internet and highlight unknown yet talented creators. They plan to lessen their dependence on big-house media providers and have at least 50 percent of their videos come from independent filmmakers from around the world.

Source: Fast Company

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