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Apple testing out Night Shift mode on macOS

Having the option to change the color temperature of the screen is a helpful feature, especially when it comes to reducing eye strain when using phones or computers at night.  That’s why apps like F.lux are popular with users. Now, if you use a macOS machine, you’ll no longer need a third-party app to get this feature. Night mode, or Night Shift mode as it’s known on iOS, is coming to macOS Sierra. Apple is testing it out in the new beta version of the operating system. Like its iOS counterpart, it’ll automatically change to a warmer tone after you set a schedule for it to do so (for example, when sunset comes). It’ll also let you adjust the colors if they aren’t adjusted to your liking. Version 10.12.4 has the feature but it hasn’t been said when it’ll be rolled out to all users. Hopefully, it won’t take too long.

Source: Pocket-lint

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